Republican Maryland Gov. Hogan says he won’t vote for Trump

Republican Gov. Larry Hogan of Maryland said Wednesday that he “doesn’t plan” to vote for Donald Trump, his party’s presumptive nominee for President.

Hogan has been critical of Trump but had not previously said outright that he will not vote for the Republican nominee in November.

“No, I don’t plan to,” Hogan said when asked whether he would vote for Trump in November, The Washington Post reported.

Hogan said he was “not sure” who he would vote for instead of Trump.

“I guess when I get behind the curtain I’ll have to figure it out. Maybe write someone in. I’m not sure,” he said.

Hogan is at least the second sitting Republican governor to publicly state he will not vote for Trump.

Fellow blue state Gov. Charlie Baker of Massachusetts said last month that he “just can’t support” Trump because of his comments about women and Muslims.

Trump has faced heavy criticism from fellow Republicans throughout his primary campaign and even recently, but most Republicans have been loathe to officially disavow Trump’s candidacy and state they will not vote for him.

Even House Speaker Paul Ryan, who has been harshly critical of Trump’s policy proposals and tone, said after several weeks of reflection and conversations with Trump that he would support him in November.

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