Trump crowdsources candidates for VP pick

As Donald Trump continues to eschew traditional methods of campaigning, he likely added on Saturday another first in the annals of modern presidential politics: polling a campaign rally crowd for ideas on who he should select as a running mate.

“Who do you like?” Trump said at an event here, putting his hand to his ear as the crowd erupted in a cacophony of names.

Trump repeated — or appeared to repeat — only a few proposed picks, including former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions and former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

“He says Newt,” Trump said first.

Gingrich has been floated as a potential vice presidential pick, but speculation swirled that he would no longer be considered after Gingrich unleashed on Trump over his recent racial criticism of a U.S. federal judge.

“They say Sessions,” Trump then said, as the crowd continued to roar.

Sessions, who was the first sitting senator to endorse Trump, currently chairs Trump’s group of foreign policy advisers and has been Trump’s most vocal supporter in Washington.

A few seconds passed, and Trump leaned into the microphone to help another name rise above the fray.

“He says Condi Rice,” Trump said, gesturing to another supporter.

Picking Rice would undoubtedly be a bold move in an election season in which Hillary Clinton, has already made history as the first woman to lead a major-party ticket.

But Rice would also be an incongruous selection for Trump, who has railed against the Iraq War and the foreign policy of former President George W. Bush administration.

Rice served as Bush’s national security adviser before becoming secretary of state and was one of the administration’s most vocal advocates for the war, playing a key role in crafting the administration’s Iraq War policies.

Before asking for the crowd’s feedback on picking a running mate, Trump also praised former Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who has been floated as a potential pick and has said he would be open to serving as vice president.

Trump has said that his shortlist is down to a handful of names and assured the crowd Saturday that “we have a lot of good people, you’ll be happy.”

The billionaire has said that he is looking for a vice president with government experience who can help him get his agenda passed through Congres. But he also said in a recent interview with Bloomberg Politics that “two veep finalists are respected military officials.”

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