Restaurant owner thinks robber’s gun is fake, but…

Store attendants foiling a robbery isn’t that unusual. But what makes this attempt noteworty is this scene.

Take a look at restaurant owner Kequi Wang’s face:

That’s the surprised look of someone suddenly realizing that the gun she defiantly wrested off a robber because she thought it was a fake is very real.

The incident happened at Crazy Wings in Norfolk, Virginia, on Sunday night. A man walked in, pointed a gun at Wang and demanded she open the cash register.

But Wang wasn’t having it.

Store surveillance footage tells the rest of the story.

Wang fights back, almost unshaken by the man’s gun. She grabs it by the barrel and refuses to let go. Her husband Lin emerges from the kitchen, cleaver in hand, slashing the would-be robber in the back.

The couple then chase the assailant out of the restaurant.

Wang later told CNN affiliate WAVY she thought the gun was fake.

Which brings us back to this lasting image. She examines the gun and points it to the ground. We don’t know what compelled her to pull the trigger. But she did. And the look on her face when it goes off — priceless.

Police later found the robber, with a gash in his back.

He was identified as 19-year-old Jabri Brown. Police charged him with robbery, attempted robbery, and use of a firearm in the commission of a felony. He is being held at the Norfolk jail and will make his next court appearance in July.

CNN reached out to Brown’s attorney Brett Lucas, who declined to comment.

While Wang says she’s glad Brown was arrested, she is also upset that he is so young.

“I hope he can change something,” Wang added. “I hope he doesn’t do it anymore.”

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