California Poll: Sanders, Clinton neck-and-neck

Democratic presidential rivals Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are running neck-and-neck in California, ahead of Tuesday’s primary that will be the last major contest of the primary race.

Clinton, who is expected to secure enough delegates on Tuesday to win the nomination, leads Sanders, 49%-47%, in the NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll, released Wednesday. The poll is consistent with other recent surveys that have found the two Democrats locked in a tight battle ahead of Tuesday’s primary.

Sanders continues to win the support of a majority of younger voters and men, while Clinton is dominating among older voters and women — a trend that has remained true throughout most of the nominating contests.

The poll also finds Clinton and Sanders easily beating Donald Trump in California in a general election matchup. Clinton would beat Trump 55%-31% and Sanders would beat him 62%-28%, according to the poll.

The poll surveyed 557 likely Democratic voters between May 29-31 and the results have a margin of error of plus or minus 4.2 percentage points and 1,833 registered voters for the general election matchups with a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points.

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