Lovin’ It: Trump celebrates delegate victory with McDonald’s meal

Donald Trump is lovin’ it.

The billionaire real estate mogul snagged enough delegates to clinch the Republican nomination Thursday, and celebrated with a meal from McDonald’s.

He posted a photo to Instagram where he is pictured on his personal plane looking away from the camera with what appears to be an untouched McDonalds’ burger, an empty case of fries and an open Diet Coke with the caption, “Celebrating 1237! #Trump2016”

Trump hasn’t always praised Diet Coke. In 2012, he tweeted, “I have never seen a thin person drinking Diet Coke.”

But Trump has been open about his love for fast food — specifically McDonald’s and Burger King.

He favorites include the fish, Big Macs and Quarter Pounders with Cheese.

“It’s great stuff,” he told CNN’s Anderson Cooper in February.

He said he likes the cleanliness of the establishment, adding, “I like cleanliness, and I think you’re better off going there than maybe some place that you have no idea where the food is coming from.”

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