Jake Tapper guest illustrates Dilbert cartoon to be auctioned for charity

Jake Tapper has taken his cartooning skills from State of the Cartoonian to guest-illustrate a week of “Dilbert” strips.

After the creator of “Dilbert,” Scott Adams, appeared on The Lead, Adams invited Tapper to take over the comic for a week.

Tapper refers to himself as a “failed cartoonist” even though he has illustrated for Roll Call, The Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, and now has a cartoon segment on his Sunday show, “State of the Union.”

The cartoon is also going to a good cause. “Jake suggested auctioning the combined comics to raise money for Homes for Our Troops, and that feels right to me. I’m glad we can do that,” Adams said.

The organization specializes in building mortgage-free, specially designed homes for disabled veterans.

Tapper says, “Hopefully Scott and I can raise some money for the organization by auctioning off the original comic strips for anyone out there who appreciates the uniqueness of this venture and the worthiness of the cause.”

Check out the auction here.

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