Sid Blumenthal: There is no Clinton bombshell

Longtime Clinton family friend Sidney Blumenthal said Wednesday he is confident that the email investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server will find nothing that could derail her presidential campaign.

CNN’s Alisyn Camerota on “New Day” told Blumenthal that many Democrats she has talked to fear there is “bombshell” in the wings that could wreck Clinton’s campaign.

“I’m very confident that that will not happen,” Blumenthal said. “My understanding is that this is a security review. It’s certainly not a criminal investigation. It’s an inquiry into whether anyone intentionally put classified information where it shouldn’t be.”

Blumenthal, who this week on MSNBC would not say if federal investigators have talked to him about the emails, said he believes that the Justice Department will soon release a statement saying that no intentional harm was done by Clinton’s use of the private server during her tenure as secretary of state.

“And then all those who were involved in this kind of political hysteria will have to unravel it,” he said.

Blumenthal, a former journalist, worked in the Clinton White House as senior adviser from 1997 to 2001. He now works for Media Matters, a liberal news watchdog organization that looks to counter conservative claims in the media.
RELATED: Who is Blumenthal and why are they talking about him at the Benghazi committee?

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