Here’s why people are talking about Azealia Banks

You would be forgiven if you have no idea who Azealia Banks is or what she does.

The rapper, who these days seems to drop more disses on Twitter than on wax, is well known to many in social media and on Wednesday her latest beef got her dropped from a British music festival.

Here’s how it went down:

On Tuesday she mentioned former One Direction member Zayn Malik in an Instragram post. Later, Malik tweeted “No lies … I see you reaching but I don’t care” and “My @’s too good for you.”

This being social media, naturally Banks thought he was talking about her and it was on from there. What followed were some tweets from her that were pretty inflammatory and included racial and gay slurs.

Enter 14-year-old Disney star and One Direction fan Skai Jackson, who tweeted, “Azealia Banks needs to simmer down a little.”

Bad idea, as Banks then turned her vitriol on the teen actress. It got ugly y’all.

Banks appears to have since deleted her tweets, but she began by tweeting to Jackson “and you need to grow some hips and start ur menses. stay in a child’s place.” Jackson came back with “@AZEALIABANKS When a no hip having 14 year old has more class than you. Worry about your career. Get one.”

Let’s just say the back and forth was a lot. Social media star Awesomely Luvvie has one of the best play-by-plays of the epic exchange (including the deleted tweets) we’ve seen yet, so thank us later.

It all proved to be too much for the organizers of London’s Rinse FM’s Born & Bred Festival, who on Wednesday tweeted that, “We have decided to cancel Azealia Banks’ headline appearance at Rinse Born & Bred. Rinse Born & Bred is a celebration of rave culture and has been created for EVERYONE. We celebrate inclusivity and equality.”

Banks was repentant – sort of.

She tweeted, “Big apologies to anyone who was offended by any of the things I said. Not sorry I said it. But sorry for the way I made people feel” in a post that has since also disappeared from the site.

Now there are calls to have her Twitter account suspended.

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