Today’s 5 things: Teaming up. Shipping out. Firing off.

Ted Cruz and John Kasich are joining forces in a last-ditch effort to deny Donald Trump the Republican presidential nomination. They will divide their efforts in upcoming contests with Cruz focusing on Indiana and Kasich devoting his efforts to Oregon and New Mexico.

Teaming up. Shipping out. Firing off. It’s Monday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.

1. Campaign 2016

You know what they say: If you can’t beat ’em, join up with a friend and beat ’em. OK, that’s not how the phrase goes, but that’s what’s happening in the GOP race, as Ted Cruz and John Kasich dropped a bombshell last night — they’re teaming forces to topple Trump. The plan is for Cruz to focus on Indiana while Kasich tries to lock up Oregon and New Mexico. Will that be enough to keep Trump from 1,237 in delegates? Who knows? In a tweet, The Donald laughed it all off as “desperation.”

2. Syria

More U.S. special ops forces are headed to Syria in the fight against ISIS. President Obama made the announcement this morning in Germany. The additional forces — an estimated 250 — will serve in an “advise and assist” role. They are not expected to engage in combat operations or take part in target-to-kill operations, but they will be armed to defend themselves.

3. Ohio killings

The cold-blooded, execution-style killings of eight members of an Ohio family weren’t random. They were a “a preplanned execution,” officials said. Three marijuana “grow operations” were found at the family’s rural residences. So the killings were drug related? Authorities wouldn’t go that far, but noted that the “operation was not for personal use.” The victim were between 16 and 44, methodically shot in the head while they slept at four homes. The killer or killers are still on the loose.

4. North Korea

North Korea’s at it again. The reclusive regime fired a ballistic missile from a submarine over the weekend. The missile only flew about 19 miles, but it’s still troubling. Even with a not-entirely successful test, the North gains knowledge with every attempt — and it’s made an awfully lot of attempts lately. This has the U.S., and the world, worried.

5. Prince

“Purple Rain” back on the big screen. Minneapolis’ tower bells ringing out “Kiss.” A tribute show on “SNL.” It was all Prince, all the time this weekend, as fans the world over found ways to honor him. The singer’s remains were cremated and a small, private service was held Saturday. But the cause of his death remains unknown — and will be for a couple of weeks, until autopsy results come back.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Quote of the day:

“When she walked in the room, I completely lost all bearings”

Photographer Polly Borland, on taking Queen Elizabeth’s official portrait

Who you gonna call?

Entire 4-person police department in small Colorado town calls it quits. But hold off on starting up a crime spree: The county sheriff is holding down the fort.

When life gives you lemons

Beyonce’s much-hyped “Lemonade” was supposed to pop up on iTunes at midnight Sunday. It didn’t (at least not immediately) and the Internet wept.

Just stop it

Kayne West interrupts a friend’s wedding speech with a “I’mma let you finish” joke. At least we hope it was a joke.

The fashion king

Want to buy the fly bathrobe 2-year-old Prince George rocked last week while meeting President Obama? Sorry, it’s already sold out.

Spoiler free

We won’t tell you if Jon Snow stays a corpse or not, but “Game of Thrones” fans flocked to TVs and even bars to watch the show’s sixth season premiere.

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