Pennsylvania governor: Clinton ‘will be the nominee’

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf said Wednesday that Hillary Clinton’s decisive victory in Tuesday’s New York primary will only help her in the upcoming Pennsylvania primary.

“I think Hillary was always going to do well in Pennsylvania, and she’ll do very well,” Wolf told CNN’s Chris Cuomo on “New Day.” “New York, after all, is her home state, but she has strong family roots here in Pennsylvania. I think people are coming around to the idea that she is going to be the nominee.”

Wolf, who has endorsed Clinton, offered praise for Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, too, claiming his candidacy has helped expand the Democratic Party.

“I think he has added a lot to this race, and has brought a lot of fresh new ideas, and a lot of fresh new people,” he said. “And I think he ought to build on that, and he and Hillary ought to work together.”

The governor agreed with Sanders on his call for voting reform in the primaries.

“I’ve tried to make it easier to register, and I think the senator is right, we need to encourage people to participate in democracy,” he said.

Wolf also commented on the state of the Republican race, noting GOP front-runner Donald Trump’s high turnout in New York Tuesday.

“Percentages don’t tell the whole story. The numbers, I think, do. Hillary has scored over a million votes if the rest of Bernie’s votes go to Hillary in the general election. That’s a big, big increase over the combined total of all of the Republicans in New York,” he said.

Pennsylvania votes on April 26, along with Connecticut, Rhode Island, Delaware and Maryland.

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