Ben & Jerry’s co-founders’ protest continues after arrest

The co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream aren’t stopping their protest against money in politics any time soon, despite getting arrested outside the U.S. Capitol over the weekend.

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were among approximately 300 people arrested as part of the group “Democracy Awakening,” which is closely aligned with another activist group, “Democracy Spring.” Activists support action on climate change, racial justice, workers’ rights and fair pay, safe food and water, health care, peace, immigration reform and improvements in education, according to group’s website.

Cohen told CNN’s Maggie Lake that the two were protesting to get money out of politics.

“The reality is that our government has been corrupted by big money,” Cohen said. “We live under a system of what John McCain calls ‘legalized bribery.’ The huge contributions from major corporations and the ultra wealthy are what’s driving the process in Washington.”

Greenfield added that he believes big money undermines the political process.

“We need a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizen’s United, to overturn this idea that money equals free speech and that corporations are the same as people. Those two things are completely absurd,” Greenfield said, while sporting a Bernie Sanders shirt and pin.

“The movement is getting stronger and stronger, and that’s what you saw in Washington,” Cohen said.

Many of their political beliefs align with Sanders’ platform to take big money out of politics. Their ice cream company, which is based in Vermont, endorsed Sanders for president. Additionally, Cohen personally created 40 pints of ice cream in his kitchen in honor of Sanders, calling the flavor “Bernie’s Yearning.”

“Well, clearly Bernie Sanders is breaking the log jam. He has done what was considered to be the impossible,” Cohen said about Sanders’ campaign not taking money from corporations or super PACs.

The two shrugged after being asked what might happen if Republican front-runner Donald Trump becomes president.

“I have a really hard time imagining Donald Trump as president,” Greenfield said with a smile.

Cohen added that he doesn’t think Trump will help any of their causes.

“This guy isn’t there supporting regular people, believe me,” Cohen said.

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