Co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s arrested at Capitol

The co-founders of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream were arrested at the U.S. Capitol Monday.

Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield were among approximately 300 people arrested as part of the Democracy Awakening protests that converged on the nation’s capital this weekend.

The company’s website said its purpose is “to ensure that every citizen’s voice is heard and that power in this country is returned to the people.”

Democracy Awakening mobilized to “protect voting rights, get big money out of politics and demand a fair hearing and an up or down vote on President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee,” their website said.

A statement from the U.S. Capitol Police said the protestors were arrested for unlawful demonstration activities. They were processed on the scene and released, the statement said.

On Tuesday in Delaware the pair of ice cream moguls will campaign for Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, their home state senator in Vermont. They will hand out free ice cream at the event, according to a Delaware for Bernie Facebook page.

Earlier this year, Cohen made a limited edition flavor for Sanders called “Bernie’s Yearning.”

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