Trump spotlights Cruz’s ‘New York values’ line ahead of primary

Donald Trump came home to New York Wednesday, speaking for the first time since being defeated in Wisconsin by primary opponent Ted Cruz, ready to make sure that the Texas senator never lives down one of his most memorable lines of attack.

“Remember when he started lecturing me on New York values like we’re no good?” Trump asked his supporters, referring to Cruz’s attempt to undercut Trump’s socially conservative credentials ahead of the Iowa caucuses.

“I looked at him and started talking about our incredible police, our incredible firefighters,” Trump said pointing to New Yorkers’ bravery after the 9/11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

Nassau County Fire Marshall Scott Tusa estimated the crowd size to be about 10,000 and supporters responded in kind with chants of “U.S.A.” and “Lyin’ Ted,” picking up on the moniker with which the brash billionaire has sought to brand Cruz.

Trump pressed on with his line of attack on Cruz.

“We all know people who died and I’ve got this guy standing over there looking at me and talking to me about New York values with scorn on his face, with hatred,” Trump said.

Cruz himself was in New York on Wednesday, spending time in the Bronx as he pivots his campaign to the Empire State, which votes in two weeks.

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