Clinton ‘feeling very good’ after Wisconsin, not asking Sanders to drop out

Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Chris Cuomo Wednesday that she’s “feeling very good” about where she stands in the Democratic primary fight with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, despite a tough loss in Wisconsin the night before.

“Senator Sanders had a good night last night, and I congratulated him, but if you look at the numbers, I’m still considerably ahead in both the popular vote and most importantly, the delegate count,” Clinton said. “So I’m feeling very good about where we are.”

A CNN delegate estimate shows Clinton leading Sanders, 1,780 to 1,099, out of a total of 2,383 delegates needed to win the Democratic nomination outright.

Clinton’s surrogates and supporters have been calling on Sanders to drop out of the race so Clinton can focus her fight on Donald Trump and the Republicans in a general election. But Clinton told Cuomo that neither she nor her campaign is asking him to drop out.

Despite his win in Wisconsin Tuesday night, Sanders was under fire Wednesday for an extensive interview he gave the New York Daily News where he struggled to answer how he would break up big banks and explain his position that the surviving family members of the Sandy Hook victims shouldn’t be allowed to sue gun manufacturers.

Clinton hit Sanders for his answer about how he would break up the banks and how the Dodd-Frank regulatory bill works.

“If you’re concerned about income inequality and holding the banks accountable, you have to know how it works and what you have to do to make it work,” she said.

As for the Sandy Hook comments, Clinton said she was “appalled.”

“When it comes to guns we have a really serious difference and I was appalled that Sen. Sanders said he really didn’t see any reason for the parents children massacred at Sandy Hook in Connecticut to be try and be able to sue the gunmakers,” she said.

The Sanders campaign defended itself earlier Wednesday.

“I understand when you go to New York you’re going to get hit by the tabloids, that’s what the primaries are about,” Sanders senior adviser Tad Devine told CNN’s John Berman and Kate Bolduan on “At this Hour.”

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