AG warns Pennsylvanians of lottery and sweepstakes scams

HARRISBURG — Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane has warned consumers to be cautious of lottery and sweepstakes scams. Recently the Office of Attorney General has received several complaints from consumers regarding such scam calls.

“Commonwealth residents should remember that lottery officials will never ask for personal bank information, or require a fee to be paid to claim a prize,” Kane said. “It is extremely important to safeguard your personal financial information.”

Lottery and sweepstakes scams can take multiple forms. In one popular scam, victims are asked to pay money in order to receive a prize they have purportedly won.

In another scenario, scammers state that consumers will be sent a check. They are instructed to cash the check and send back a portion of the money for fees. The checks in these scams are fraudulent, often times bouncing and leaving consumers on the hook for the money related to the fees.

The following are tips and reminders from the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection designed to help consumers avoid falling victim to lottery or sweepstakes scams.

Consumers with questions, or who feel they have been victimized, may file a complaint with the Attorney General’s Bureau of Consumer Protection by visiting The Bureau is also available by phone at 800-441-2555 or by e-mail at

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