Hillary Clinton: Bill ‘obviously’ wasn’t knocking Obama with legacy comment

Hillary Clinton said Thursday that Bill Clinton was “obviously” not knocking President Barack Obama when he said earlier this week that electing the former first lady would “put the awful legacy of the last eight years behind us.”

Clinton, while appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” in Los Angeles, said that the former President’s comment was more about the fact Obama has “faced this implacable wall of hostility from the Republicans.”

“It wasn’t. It was obviously not a knock against Obama,” Clinton said. “I mean, he nominated President Obama for his second term, and we are both very proud supporters of President Obama.”

She continued, “What it was was the recognition that President Obama, who I think doesn’t get the credit he deserves for getting as much done in our country, has faced this implacable wall of hostility from the Republicans.”

Clinton has been a regular on late-night talk shows while running for president, and this was her second time speaking with Kimmel.

During their three-segment conversation, Clinton joked about medical marijuana, aliens and the fact she was endorsed by Snoop Dogg.

Clinton also knocked Republican front-runner Donald Trump’s by suggesting he didn’t know the name of the Prime Minister of Canada.

“Do you think he knows who the Prime Minister of Canada is?” Kimmel asked.

“Um, no,” Clinton said to laughs.

Clinton: Don’t take stock in general election polls yet

Even though she was happy to knock the boisterous billionaire, Clinton said she was not ready to buy polls that show her winning big in a general election matchup against Trump.

“This election has not really settled into what it’s going to be for the general election. I’m still hoping to get the nomination for the Democratic Party. I don’t take anything for granted,” Clinton said, “We don’t know yet how it’s going to actually take shape. I don’t think any poll right now about what happens in November makes sense.”

Clinton is in Los Angeles for a series of fundraisers, including a nighttime event emceed by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons and with performances by Ben Harper and Estelle.

Kimmel joked about the fact that Clinton regularly visits to raise money on Thursday.

“Welcome back to our city. Did you raise a lot of funds,” Kimmel joked. “Do they give you the money in cash like a wedding?”

Clinton laughed but turned the subtle knock into her chance to knock Citizens United, the 2010 Supreme Court decision that opened the floodgate for outside money in politics.

Both Clinton and Sanders have made repealing Citizens United a platform of their campaign, but Clinton continues to raise large sums of money at in-person fundraisers.

On Sanders, Clinton took a self-deprecating shot at the Vermont senator’s trademark slogan.

“Are you jealous of Bernie Sanders’ slogan ‘feel the Bern,’ because it is a really good slogan,” Kimmel said.

“I gotta say — I’m not,” Clinton responded.

“You’re not? Because I’ve seen some of yours, and they’re not as good,” Kimmel said.

“No, yeah, well, I’ve never been as good at slogans,” Clinton concluded.

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