Club for Growth endorses Ted Cruz

The Club for Growth made its first ever presidential endorsement, backing Ted Cruz for president early Wednesday and giving him another boost in his uphill fight for the GOP nomination.

“Ted Cruz is the best free-market, pro-growth, limited-government candidate in the presidential race,” the group’s president, David McIntosh, said in a statement. “The Club’s PAC has never endorsed in a presidential race, but this year is different because there is a vast gulf between the two leading Republican candidates on matters of economic liberty.”

The endorsement is not unexpected. Early in the race, the group encouraged its donors to contribute to five candidates, including Cruz, and the other four Republicans have all exited the race. The Club has been one of the leading groups spending money against Donald Trump and it also has had sharp words for Ohio Gov. John Kasich.

The group has said it is considering airing pro-Cruz television spots in addition to the $5.8 million it has already spent on anti-Trump ads so far in the race.

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