Petraeus will make 2nd appearance before Benghazi committee

Former CIA Director David Petraeus will make a second appearance before the House Select Committee on Benghazi, according to a source familiar with the panel’s deliberations.

The source said Petraeus “agreed to come back because he had a hard stop (at the last interview) and there were still questions.”

It will be a closed interview on Capitol Hill on Saturday. Petraeus first testified before the group in January.

Petraeus led the U.S. spy agency when a terrorist attack killed four Americans in Libya in 2012. Since then, Petraeus resigned from the CIA in a sordid controversy that centered on an extramarital affair with his biographer.

Petraeus previously testified about the attack before the House Intelligence Committee in 2012, shortly after leaving the agency. The House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by South Carolina Rep. Trey Gowdy, has previously interviewed Hillary Clinton, who was then secretary of state, at a high-profile hearing last fall.

Democrats have argued that the Benghazi committee is an attempt to politically harm Clinton, the likely Democratic presidential nominee.

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