Wednesday’s 5 Things: The morning after the day of reckoning

Marco bows out. Argentina finds something fishy. And Teresa’s a saint. It’s Wednesday, and here’s what you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.


Break out the calculators: The Republican race just got waaay more interesting. The Donald cleaned up last night. But John Kasich gummed up Trump’s path to the nomination by taking home state Ohio. The billionaire needs to win 60% of the remaining delegates to win outright. Can he do it? It’ll be tough. What else? Marco Rubio is out. Getting your butt kicked in your home state will do that. Hillz is all smiles and focused on the general election after a strong night. Here are the 5 takeaways from Super Tuesday 3.


Mass murderer moment: Right-wing terrorist Anders Breivik certainly knows how to make an entrance. A Nazi salute in court will do that. His lawsuit against Norway says being kept in isolation violates his human rights. Norway says that’s what you get when you’re convicted of killing 77 people and still want to spread your extremist propaganda around the world. He’s back in court today. Try to behave to yourself, Breivik.


Head knockers: The NFL admitted it this week. There’s a connection between football and CTE. Raise your hand if you’re shocked that repeated blows to the head aren’t good for you. The facts: CTE is a degenerative brain disorder. Many former players have been diagnosed with it. What’s next? The league’s stressing improved safety regs. It may also have to deal with former players who may want to get the league back in court. Paying for CTE may just be the cost of doing business.


Hooked: Argentina’s not afraid to play rough with the big boys. Catch a Chinese boat fishing in your territorial waters? Sink ’em. The Argentine coast guard says it started with warning shots, the Chinese ship trying to ram and then outrun them. Beijing is not amused and wants answers. Still, China is familiar with the M.O. In its neck of the woods — the South China Sea where China, the Philippines, Malaysia and Brunei all have claims– it likes to throw its weight around. A little taste of its own medicine?


Heavenly high five: Mother Teresa is finally becoming what many folks have considered her for years — a saint. Pope Francis will do the honors in September. Not everyone gets to be a saint, of course. You have to rack up a couple of miracles. A life of service is a good start too. She joined an Irish convent at 18 and never looked back. Later, it was on to India to serve the poorest of the poor. Teresa won the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize for her work. It’s not quite sainthood, but it’s one of the better honors this side of heaven.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Number of the Day: $3.6 billion

Total of lawsuits filed against Volkswagen by investors over its scam to rig diesel emissions tests.

Calling all Oompa Loompas

This sounds like the ultimate sugar rush. Universal-Orlando is bringing Willie Wonka’s Chocolate Factory into the real world. Yum.

Another crazy thing from Oz

Why can’t normal things happen in Australia? Here’s a snake stuck in a spider web.

Trump No. 2

This guy is yuuuge in the Philippines. He’s provocative. He’s loud. He’s making big promises. Sound familiar?


The Oscars are “apologizing” for jokes during its telecast about Asian stereotypes. We put that in quotes because it was the weakest apology ever.

Raiders of the Lost AARP

Harrison Ford dusts off his fedora again in another Indiana Jones movie. He’ll be 77 when the movie hits theaters in 2019.


Here’s what’s happening today.

Metro shutdown

Commuters in Washington may not get to work until lunchtime. The entire Metrorail system is closed for the day for safety inspections.

Almost Happy St. Patrick’s Day

Americans love St. Patrick’s Day. So do the Irish. So why do our green snacks disgust them?

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