Missouri professor Melissa Click is still fired

A University of Missouri professor’s appeal to reverse her firing has been denied.

Melissa Click was fired in February for trying to block a journalist from recording a student protest about racism on campus. In a letter on Tuesday, the university’s board of curators said it stands by its decision to fire Click.

The associate professor of communications appealed her firing earlier this month.

“The Board reiterates that it is your conduct that is the reason for termination of your employment,” the letter said. “The Board reiterates that it is not acting based on any views you have expressed or your association with any students or others.”

Click was also told in the letter that her firing was the result of her behavior, which “interfered with the rights of others, not based on any exercise of rights on your part.”

The board said it had listened to Click’s account as well as to the statements from other individuals that Click provided as witnesses. Ultimately, the board said, Click’s behavior was “improper” and justified her firing.

In the letter, the board also said its ruling was in line with the university’s code of conduct.

In the fall of 2015, Click was caught on film confronting a video journalist and preventing him from passing. Video of the incident went viral.

Click can be heard in the clip saying, “Hey, who wants to help me get this reporter out of here? I need some muscle over here.”

She was charged with third-degree assault for the altercation.

Her firing is still being reviewed by the American Association for University Professors, which is conducting an independent investigation.

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