Super PAC takes aim at incidents around Trump rallies

An anti-Donald Trump super PAC’s latest ad is taking aim at incidents at the Republican front-runner’s recent rallies and comments he has made at them regarding protesters.

The new 60-second spot from Our Principles PAC, airing nationally on cable television and in Florida, uses clips of Trump at his rallies regarding the protesters.

“I’d like to punch him in the face,” “knock the crap out of him,” “they’d be carried on a stretcher folks,” and “I promise I will pay for the legal fees,” Trump says in the ad.

Also included in the ad, titled “Unifier,” are mentions of allegations that Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski grabbing a reporter by the arm, Breitbart’s Michelle Fields, as she was trying to ask the candidate a question and in the process bruising her. She filed a criminal complaint alleging she’d been assaulted. Lewandowski has denied the accusations.

Trump Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” defended his tone, telling Jake Tapper he “should get credit, not be scorned” for how he has handled protestors at recent campaign events. He pointed specifically to the cancellation of an event in Chicago Friday evening amid fights breaking out before the scheduled rally began.

Separately, Trump told NBC’s “Meet the Press” he had asked his team “to look into” whether he could pay the legal bills of a 78-year-old supporter who was arrested after being captured on video last week sucker-punching an African-American protester who was being escorted out of a Trump campaign rally in Fayetteville, North Carolina.

The PAC, which is spending several million dollars in its efforts to derail Trump, also has separate ads running in Illinois, Ohio and Missouri.

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