Ted Cruz: Donald Trump ‘taking advantage’ of uninformed voters

Sen. Ted Cruz is taking his fight with Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump to the brash billionaire’s supporters, knocking them as uninformed and “not that engaged.”

Cruz, who is positioning himself as the only viable GOP alternative to Trump, said in an interview published Thursday that Trump “does well with voters who have relatively low information, who are not that engaged and who are angry” and accused Trump of “taking advantage” of those voters.

“Donald gave a press conference where he said, to quote him, ‘I love the poorly educated.’ Listen, part of it is I think Donald is taking advantage of his voters because I understand what they’re angry about,” Cruz said in an interview with Christian Broadcasting News’ “The Brody File.” “If you’re angry at the corruption of Washington, you don’t solve it by supporting someone who has been enmeshed in the Washington corruption for 40 years.”

The Trump campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cruz is second behind Trump in the race for delegates and has won the most contests over Trump so far in the primary race.

The Texas senator, whom Trump has dubbed “Lyin’ Ted,” added that Trump voters who are flocking to support Cruz’s candidacy are doing so when they “get more engaged and they get more informed.”

“When they inform themselves, they realize his record. He’s what they’re angry at. He is the corruption, and if you want someone to stand up to Washington, the only one who has been doing so in this race is me,” Cruz said.

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