Spirit Airlines passengers fight over boom box

A midair disagreement got physical on Spirit Airlines on Wednesday, when two women started playing loud music on their boom box.

Other passengers asked them to turn the music down on Flight 141 from Baltimore to Los Angeles International Airport, but the women would not do so, officials said.

Instead, they challenged their critics by asking, “What are you going to do?” Spirit Airlines spokesman Paul Berry said, according to CNN affiliate KCBS.

“They were holding up their boom box in the air, waving it around,” Berry said.

Waving around a boom box while thousands of feet in the air is probably not a great idea. Provoking people who don’t like your choice of music could cause even more trouble, and that’s exactly what happened.

A group of passengers approached the music lovers, and that’s when the fight started. Five women were involved in the brawl. Other passengers captured the scene on their smart phones.

Airport police and FBI agents responded when the aircraft landed in Los Angeles, but no charges were filed.

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