John Kasich releases tax returns as pressure on Trump increases

Pressure on Donald Trump to release his tax returns intensified Saturday as John Kasich, the last remaining rival who had not done so, published seven years’ worth of data.

The Ohio governor and his wife, Karen, made $5 million between 2008 and 2014, according to the returns. They paid an effective federal tax rate of 24.3%, his campaign said.

The other two GOP candidates in the race, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, have made hay out of Trump’s reluctance to release his returns, with both speculating that Trump could be hiding controversial information about how he made his billions. Kasich has shied away from making the same public charges.

Trump has said he will not release returns because tax authorities are auditing him.

And last month, Rubio and Cruz released summaries of their returns in order to highlight Trump’s reluctance to reveal his own. Neither Rubio nor Cruz released full additional returns that would yield detailed information about their income and financial giving — instead only sharing the first two pages that offer topline figures.

Kasich did the same. Kasich and his wife made as much as $1.3 million in 2008, his last year as a senior executive at the financial giant Lehman Brothers before it collapsed, parting with 27.3% of that income in federal taxes. And he made as little as $314,000 in 2013, paying an effective federal tax rate of 15.1%.

Other income sources during those seven years came from public speaking, investments, writings, Fox News commentary, serving on boards and his salary as governor of Ohio after assuming the office in January 2011.

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