Bowe Bergdahl’s attorney asks to interview Donald Trump

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl’s attorney is asking to meet with Donald Trump, setting up a possible attempt by the captive soldier’s team to depose the real estate mogul who has repeatedly called him a “traitor.”

In a letter to Trump on Saturday, Bergdahl’s attorney, Franklin D. Rosenblatt, wrote Trump to request an interview of up to two hours.

On the campaign trail, Trump frequently ridicules America’s negotiating team for releasing five Taliban prisoners in order to retrieve Bergdahl, who is facing court-martial on charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy.

“I request to interview you as soon as possible about your comments about Sergeant Bergdahl during frequent appearances in front of large audiences in advance of his court-martial,” Rosenblatt writes, adding that this request is “based on your personal knowledge of matters that are relevant to Sergeant Bergdahl’s right to a fair trial.”

CNN has reached out to Trump’s campaign for comment.

The attorney said this interview would allow Bergdahl’s defense to learn if it should depose Trump. Trump has gone as far as to say that Bergdahl should have been executed for what the GOP front-runner sees as fleeing his unit.

Rosenblatt assured the Republican presidential frontrunner he would keep the meeting as brief as possible “in light of your busy schedule.”

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