Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio try to raise money off ‘yoga’ routine

What began as a Republican debate stage squabble — and ended as a two-man comedy routine — has taken on new life Friday as a fundraising tool.

Ted Cruz kicked off the Thursday night episode as he tried to quiet Donald Trump — who interrupted during the Texas senator’s speaking time — by imploring him, “Donald, please, I know it’s hard not to interrupt. Breathe, breathe, breathe. You can do it, breathe, I know it’s hard, I know it’s hard.”

“When they’re done with the yoga, can I answer a question?” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio interjected, cuing Cruz to quip, “I really hope that we don’t see yoga on this stage.”

Rubio hit back: “Well, (Trump’s) very flexible, so you never know.”

It was one of the lighter moments in a contentious debate, and on Friday, Cruz’s campaign sought to capitalize — and troll Trump a bit — by offering a yoga mat in its web store.

“After the debate last night we decided to offer these on our online store today … Enjoy!” campaign manager Jeff Roe tweeted.

They weren’t alone.

Overnight, one of the Rubio campaign’s Twitter accounts, @TeamMarco, teased red yoga pants emblazoned with the #DumpTrump hashtag. But the offer was subsequently deleted and removed from their website.

One apparent problem: a curious caveat on the page that read, “Note: you won’t actually get #DumpTrump yoga pants, but your $10 donation will help Marco stop him.”

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