Are you an Instagram wiz? Netflix may pay you $4,000 to travel and post

Do your Instagram pictures have great lighting, the perfect filter and scenery worthy of a magazine? Netflix wants to talk to you.

The streaming service is seeking four “grammasters” — people who have conquered the art of taking breathtaking pictures for Instagram — to travel the globe while posting photos of the sets of Netflix movies and TV shows.

The four lucky winners will spend two weeks touring the Middle East and Europe and get paid $4,000, plus expenses. Netflix will handle all travel arrangements.

The company hasn’t said which locales the grammasters will visit except that they will be “the sets of popular movie, shows and Netflix originals.”

To apply, applicants must to follow @Netflix on Instagram and hashtag their three best pictures with “#grammasters3” before March 6.

Around March 11, Netflix will choose 25 finalists. Four official grammasters will then be selected around March 29.

As of Wednesday afternoon, more than 400,000 photos had been posted to Instagram with the #grammasters3 hashtag.

Netflix does not specify what subjects should be photographed for the contest, but they suggest applicants choose pictures that express their interests and passions.

Most of the pictures posted so far are of travel destinations with vivid flora, sunsets or crisp blue waves.

There are a few rules: Applicants must be 21 years old or older and make their Instagram account public. They also are not allowed to include any other people in their photos but themselves.

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