Gabler Visits DuBois Business College

(Provided photo)
(Provided photo)

DUBOIS DuBois Business College was recently honored to have State Rep. Matt Gabler, Pennsylvania 75th District, as a guest to the college.

After a short introduction by Jackie Syktich, president and chief executive officer of DuBois Business College, Gabler was given the floor.

Before the student assembly, Gabler spoke about his experiences as a representative for the State of Pennsylvania. He tied his experiences into the importance of making contact with those around you through the networking process.

Gabler emphasized to the student body about how essential it is to have good networking skills, as these skills are essential to making business and job connections once they graduate from DuBois Business College.

Gabler shared some nuggets of wisdom with the students as well. For instance, his mentor told him when he was running for office at a young age, “Take yourself seriously, then people around you will take you seriously.”

Also, in emphasizing the importance of talking to people and networking, he said, “Getting on social media does not mean you are being social.”

After a question-and-answer period, Gabler was thanked for his time spent in visiting DuBois Business College. A short photo session with the class followed the presentation.

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