Brewer defends Trump over KKK controversy

Former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer on Monday defended Donald Trump — who she previously endorsed for president — in the face of criticism against him for not initially disavowing support from David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader.

He blamed the incident on a faulty earpiece.

“I know Donald Trump. You know, I’ve sat down with him and I’ve talked to him. He’s a nice man. He’s very thoughtful. He listens. And he’s just … he’s not going to support anything like that,” Brewer told CNN’s Erin Burnett on “OutFront.”

Brewer, Arizona governor from 2009 to 2015, reiterated her support for Trump, saying he will fix the country’s immigration system.

“I was — for decades — asking the federal government to do something about our borders and enforce our laws and to stand up and help us. And there was no response at all. I think it’s a time for a fresh face that tells the truth and understand the issue, and I believe he will get the job done,” Brewer said.

She said it’s clear Trump is leading the race for the GOP nomination, but the results from Super Tuesday will shed light on who the likely nominee will be.

“The bottom line is that Donald is leading. He is a leader and he is leading in this election and I think he is going to be the nominee. We’ll will certainly know a lot more Tuesday night,” Brewer said.

Trump leads the pack in a new CNN/ORC national poll with 49%.

“Of course, we all heard all the candidates — I know them all — that they said they would support the winner of the primary. Well, let’s hope that they don’t go back on their word,” she said.

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