Comedian Adam Carolla predicted 2016 Trump victory back in 2008

If Donald Trump wins the White House in November, comedian and former “The Man Show” co-host Adam Carolla can claim credit for predicting the mogul’s rise back in 2008.

“He’s gonna be president in eight years, you understand that everybody?” Carolla said on his radio show back then.

His co-host at the time, Teresa Strasser, groaned as Carolla made the prediction. Carolla then said, “You understand Donald Trump is gonna be president. He’ll be president one day. It’ll be in our lifetime.”

Carolla did not go into details about why he thought Trump would win.

Trump is in a strong position to collect the Republican nomination after big wins in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada over the last three weeks. However, he still faces significant challenges from Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio.

Trump was still supporting Democrats when Carolla made the comment in 2008 and had kind words to say about Hillary Clinton during her 2008 run. Trump has flirted with a White House bid since the late 1980s.

“Now will he still have Melankia, or whatever her name is?” Strasser asked Carolla, referring to Trump’s third wife, Melania Trump.

“Oh no, no, no. Because she will have seen her 38th birthday,” Carolla shot back.

“So there will be a new Slavic former model, first lady,” Strasser said.

Carolla replied, “That’s right.”

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