Trump previews fight with Rubio, calls Cruz a ‘nervous wreck’

After racking up three consecutive primary victories, Donald Trump is feeling bullish on his chances of capturing the Republican nomination.

Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas is a “nervous wreck” and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio could be in for a rough night at the next Republican presidential debate Thursday, Trump said in an interview Wednesday with CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

As for himself, Trump said he will “pick up a lot” of the support his current rivals enjoy as the field narrows and said he thinks he could become the presumptive Republican nominee before the Republican nominating convention this summer.

“I don’t see it going to the convention. I think we’re doing very well,” Trump said, adding that he is “looking forward to a good week next week” when a cluster of states vote in the Super Tuesday primary contests on March 1.

Trump also pointed out that he is beating Rubio in his home state of Florida and Ohio Gov. John Kasich in that state, according to the latest polls.

Trump, who has leveled his harshest attacks against Cruz, once again knocked the Texan on Wednesday, saying that Cruz is “changing his stance” on immigration to better compete with Trump, who has struck the harshest tone and some of the most hardline positions on illegal immigration.

“He has very much toughened his stance because he was losing,” Trump said, pointing to Cruz’ support for building a wall on the U.S. southern border and his recent shift on how to deport undocumented immigrants.

“All of a sudden he’s getting very tough and he is because he’s getting very nervous,” Trump added, suggesting that Cruz has now slipped to third place behind Rubio, as he did in the results of the South Carolina primary.

Asked Monday whether immigration officials should go out looking for undocumented immigrants to deport, Cruz said “that’s what ICE exists for.”

But in January, Cruz said in an interview with CNN that he doesn’t “intend to send jackboots to knock on your door and every door in America.”

Trump has also shifted his stance on a number of issues, including abortion rights, gun control and tax policy.

Asked about Rubio, Trump would not level any attacks against the Florida senator who has also avoided directing barbs at the brash billionaire who played an outsized role in sinking former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush’s presidential aspirations.

But Trump also suggested that could change Thursday during CNN’s Republican presidential debate in Houston.

“I think I’ll save that for tomorrow night. We have to keep some good action for tomorrow night,” Trump said, adding that the candidates who have attacked him throughout the campaign “have not done very well against me.”

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