Political Prediction Market: Donald Trump’s odds at capturing GOP nomination at 68%

After sweeping the Nevada caucuses, Donald Trump maintains a stronghold on the odds of becoming the Republican nominee.

A week before Super Tuesday, Trump’s odds for winning the Republican nomination have soared to 68%, according to CNN’s Political Prediction Market. He’s followed by Sen. Marco Rubio, whose odds are 28%.

The Political Prediction Market is a game administered by the company Pivit that takes polls, user input and other elements to predict where the election will go.

Trump won the Nevada caucuses by double digits, which created a tight race for second place between Rubio and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

However, despite the neck-and-neck race for runner-up in the Nevada caucuses, Cruz’s odds of winning the Republican nomination in the Political Prediction Market are significantly lower than GOP rival Rubio at 2%.

Following Cruz is Ohio Gov. John Kasich, whose odds at the nomination are at 1%, and Ben Carson, who is at 0%.

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