Jeb Bush on George W. Bush: ‘My brother will help a lot’

Jeb Bush said campaigning with his brother, former President George W. Bush, tomorrow could help save his presidential campaign.

Bush has increasingly turned to his famous family to help save his presidential campaign. He campaigned in New Hampshire with his mother, former first lady Barbara Bush.

But this will be his first campaign appearance with his brother, who left office in 2009 with poor approval ratings, but whose popularity has improved since then, particularly with conservatives.

Bush is hoping to gain more momentum after a fourth place finish in New Hampshire and he said now is the time, just before the South Carolina primary February 20.

“The point is, is he a popular Republican? You bet he is,” Bush said of his brother. “And he will make the point … that he knows what it takes to be president of the United States, to be commander-in-chief, to keep the country safe and that he believes that I have those skills based on my record and based on how he knows me, and that will be validator in South Carolina where values matter and where national defense matters a lot. So I’m looking forward to the event we should have a great crowd and it’ll help my campaign a lot.”

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