Trump accuses RNC of using his name to fundraise

Donald Trump on Saturday accused the Republican National Committee of “illegally” using his name in an email to fundraise.

“The RNC, which is probably not on my side, just illegally put out a fundraising notice saying Trump wants you to contribute to the RNC,” he tweeted.

He later tweeted, “Totally unauthorized, do not pay. I am self funding my campaign! Notice has just been withdrawn.”

Trump, who boasts on the trail that he is self-funding his campaign, then issued a statement saying the RNC “does not treat me well” and pulled the fundraising email at his request.

“This totally unauthorized notice is yet another example of deceptive Washington tricks used to take advantage of the voters and get money from the hard-working people the politicians have failed,” Trump said. “I will not stand for it and neither should you.”

RNC Communications Director Sean Spicer told CNN that the email is in response to a straw poll.

“Once you vote, it asks you to donate,” he said.

Spicer added, “The straw poll allows supporters of all the candidates to help contribute to the presidential trust that ensures our nominee has the $23 million of RNC funds to take on Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.”

Since announcing his candidacy last summer, Trump and the RNC have had an often rocky relationship. The brash billionaire has flirted with the possibility of mounting an independent campaign if the committee doesn’t treat him “fairly,” though he publicly ruled out such a candidacy in December.

Trump is leading in South Carolina, which conducts its primary next week, with 36% of likely Republican primary voters, according to a NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released late last month. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz finished second at 20% with Florida Sen. Marco Rubio garnering 14%.

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