Friday’s 5 things: TGIFingers crossed

Hope in Syria, Pope in Cuba and dope in prison. It’s Friday, and here are the 5 things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door:


When the guns go silent: Finally some good news about Syria (and let’s face it, when was the last time we used “good news” and “Syria” in the same sentence?). Looks like there may be, possibly, could be a ceasefire on the horizon. Russia and the U.S., along with other world powers, hammered out a deal that’ll allow food and meds in. That’s supposed to happen soon, followed by a “cessation of hostilities” within a week. IF the deal holds, it’ll be the first real halt in fighting since the war began in 2011. That’s a big ‘if’ since ISIS, that unpredictable monster, isn’t part of the deal.


He said/she said: Well, that was … different. Until now the Hillary-Bernie happy hour treaded the same ground. But last night’s PBS debate got decidedly testy.

— When she said Bernie’s criticism of Obama is something she expects from Republicans, he responded, “One of us ran against President Obama. I was not that candidate.” Points: Sanders

— When he attacked Hilz’ ‘yes’ vote on the Iraq war, she responded, “I do not believe a vote in 2002 is a plan to defeat ISIS in 2016.” Points: Hillary

— When she said you could take money from Wall Street and still go after them, he responded, “Why in God’s name does Wall Street make huge campaign contributions? I guess just for the fun of it.” Points: Bernie

— And when he said he was proud to call Henry Kissinger not a friend, she responded, “Well, I know journalists have asked who you do listen to on foreign policy, and we have yet to know who that is.” Points: Hillary.


Riot act: Two guys go head to head in a northern Mexican jail and 49 people die? How does that happen? It happens when the guys are leaders of rival drug cartels and their fight spirals into full-on anarchy. Back in the U.S., 46 current and former guards and staff in 9 Georgia prisons were rounded up for “staggering corruption.” To wit: smuggling in booze and cell phones, carrying out drug deals, etc etc. And get this: five of the arrested were part of an elite unit responsible for … busting drug dealers in prisons. Pot, meet kettle.


21 bullets: Police said he wouldn’t drop his knife; that bean bags and pepper spray didn’t work on him. So, they opened fire. A lot of times. An autopsy report has found 21 gunshot wounds in the body of Mario Woods, a black man whose videotaped death in San Francisco last December was held up by protesters as yet another example of excessive force. The five cops involved are on admin leave. Meanwhile, the officer who shot Akai Gurkey, an unarmed black man in New York, was found guilty of manslaughter yesterday.


Lurking with a gun: There’s no question it’s a dangerous job. But the number of officers shot and killed so far this year is downright shocking. Eight have been gunned down already, and five of them died in just four days this week. This time last year, just one police officer had been shot to death. All five who died this week were killed while approaching armed suspects.

Breakfast browse

People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

“I’m gonna grab one more cookie, one more cigarette.”

— David Fry, the last holdout in the Oregon wildlife refuge occupation, before surrendering to police. The siege may have started with a principled stand, but it ended with a sugar and nicotine fix.

When Mohan met Baha…

…he killed her. The two tigers were supposed to mate at the Sacramento Zoo. Geez, did that play date ever go wrong!

One-take wonders

OK GO, those viral music video kings, does it again. This time in zero gravity.

Getting her mords wixed

What Meryl Streep wanted to say is that Hollywood needs to be more inclusive. What she said was, “We’re all Africans, really.” And then got a lesson in the road to hell and good intentions.

The snuggle is real

Bearded dragons are cold-blooded. Cats are just cold. The cuddle party is cuuuute.

What’s for lunch?

Here’s what’s happening later.

Undoing the splits

The Pope of the Roman Catholic Church meets with the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Cuba today. The last time this happened? Never.

And finally…
Bring it in

Sunday is Valentine’s Day. Use your arms as wrapping paper. Let these dogs show you how.

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