Sanders on Colbert: ‘The revolution will literally be televised’

Bernie Sanders’ New Hampshire victory lap extended to CBS’ “Late Show” on Wednesday, where he finished host Stephen Colbert’s opening monologue by announcing, “Last night, Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire primary by 22 points — no joke!”

Colbert’s monologue feigned dissatisfaction with the pressure to adhere to the “established format” of late night shows — a nod to Sanders’ fiery rhetoric condemning the political establishment.

“Stephen, that’s what the elites want you to think,” Sanders declared, walking onstage. “You’ve got to equal your heart. Go your own way!”

“The revolution is possible — you are the revolution! — and this time, the revolution will literally be televised,” said the Vermont senator.

The Democratic presidential candidate used his late night appearance to promote his message of economic populism, pushing back on criticism of his proposals made by Fox News host Bill O’Reilly, who was a guest on Colbert’s show the previous night.

“Not to disagree with my good friend Bill O’Reilly, but he’s, as usual, wrong,” Sanders said.

Sanders also acknowledged the fear and frustration underpinning much of the surprising overlap among his backers and those of Republican front-runner Donald Trump.

“People have a right to be angry,” Sanders said. “But what we need to be is rational in figuring out how we address the problems and not simply scapegoating minorities.”

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