Marco Rubio jokes about cracking tooth on Twix bar

Sen. Marco Rubio has a new enemy on the campaign trail: Chocolate. Specifically when it’s frozen.

The Florida Republican told reporters on Thursday that he cracked a tooth the night before on a Twix bar that had frozen, either from cold weather generally or being on his airplane for too long.

The presidential candidate gathered with reporters at a Cracker Barrel in South Carolina where he had breakfast Thursday morning, but he said before the meal he had been at the dentist.

“I bit into a Twix bar that I think was potentially frozen, just from the cold weather, or whatever, and I cracked a molar,” Rubio said in an availability with reporters later in the afternoon.

But he assured the press — and his rivals — that he wouldn’t allow the incident to slow him down.

“We’re going to keep campaigning,” Rubio said. “We’re not suspending our campaign over toothgate.”

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