Jodi August: New as Executive Director but Familiar Face for DuBois Chamber

DUBOIS – There’s a new face in the position of executive director at the Greater DuBois Chamber of Commerce these days, but those familiar with the chamber know her well.

Jodi August has been part of the chamber for several years now.  Prior to 2015, she worked as member services director.  When former Executive Director Nancy Micks made the decision to retire last year, she believed in preparing for succession.

August said Micks looked around and realized that she was the best person for the job. For several months, she worked alongside Micks, and on July 1, she took over as executive director.

“I was very active with the chamber for about 10 years,” August said, including working on the events committee.  She said she understood how the chamber worked and the good things the chamber does for the community.

How has it been?  “[It has been] exciting, educational, trying!” August laughed, noting that there is always something new and different going on.  “I love being able to help a member that might be struggling,” she said.  Currently, there are 480 members, making the Greater DuBois Chamber of Commerce a very busy medium-sized chamber.

The mission statement for the chamber states: “The Greater DuBois Chamber of Commerce is an action-oriented business and community organization incorporated to promote a favorable business climate for our members and community, and to provide leadership for the improvement of the economy and quality of life.

In essence, August said that the chamber works to help people make connections and succeed.

August gave an example of a new business person in town, and she was able to help him meet several, different people at an event and make connections that could lead to partnerships in the future.  She said the chamber helps businesses reach out to each other and also help new businesses get going.

“We primarily want to be a connection hub for our members,” August added, noting that the chamber encompasses 14 municipalities in Clearfield and Jefferson counties.

The chamber also provides information to others about the DuBois area and tourism.

The chamber is not a government entity, August noted, but they do work closely with municipalities, especially DuBois City and Sandy Township.

“We are a very supportive community, even with all of our differences,” August said, “We come together to do what is right for our community.”  She said she loves being part of a community that looks out for its members in this way.

She said it’s important for business owners to understand that being a member doesn’t mean you have to attend every meeting or event.  “We’re here for your needs, on your schedule,” she said.

Some upcoming things include business over breakfast and some business connection events, and she hopes to create some events that help businesses learn to utilize current technology to promote their businesses.  Overall, she’s excited for what 2016 will bring to the DuBois area.


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