Trump vows to build border wall to address New Hampshire ‘drug epidemic’

Donald Trump on Saturday again vowed to build a wall along the Mexico-U.S. border — this time arguing that it would help stem New Hampshire’s “drug epidemic.”

The appeal, made in a video posted to Facebook, comes three days before New Hampshire hosts the nation’s first 2016 primary.

“New Hampshire has a tremendous drug epidemic,” Trump says. “I am going to create borders. No drugs are coming in. We’re going to build a wall. You know what I’m talking about. You have confidence in me. Believe me, I will solve the problem.”

“They will stop coming to New Hampshire. They will stop coming to our country,” he added.

Trump has repeatedly said he will build a wall along the southern border of the United States to prevent undocumented immigrants from entering the country.

The businessman also said he will work to help people struggling with addiction.

“And the people that are in trouble, the people that are addicted, we’re going to work with them and try and make them better. And we will make them better,” Trump said.

Trump does not address prescription drug addiction in the video, which has been a focus of New Hampshire legislators.

According to an October 2015 survey from the University of New Hampshire and WMUR, a quarter of Granite Staters think drug abuse is the most important problem facing the state, the first time in eight years that a plurality think an issue is more important than jobs and the economy. The epidemic reaches across all demographics and nearly half of those surveyed say they know someone who has abused heroin.

Several Republican candidates, including former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, have spoken about how they would address drug addiction as president.

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