Commercial-free ‘State of the Union’ to feature Trump, Clinton, Sanders

Five leading presidential candidates will join CNN anchor Jake Tapper on Sunday for a special, commercial-free edition of “State of the Union.”

Republican and Democratic front-runners Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, along with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Ohio Gov. John Kasich will speak with Tapper, who will report live from New Hampshire two days before the Granite State holds 2016’s first primary.

The show airs at 9 a.m. ET.

A CNN/WMUR tracking poll of likely Republican primary voters finds Trump holding onto an 11-point lead in New Hampshire, ahead of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio (17%) and Kasich and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who have 13%. Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is at 9% and former executive Carly Fiorina has 5% of voters’ support. Christie has 4%.

Rubio, Kasich and Cruz, however, are within the poll’s margin of error of 5.8 percentage points.

On the Democratic side, Sanders tops Clinton by about a 2-to-1 margin, 61% to 31%. Nearly two-thirds of likely Democratic voters say they have definitely decided whom to support, so the two remaining Democratic candidates are battling over a small share of the likely electorate.

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