Trump: Obama apologized during mosque visit

Donald Trump on Friday accused President Barack Obama of apologizing to Muslims during a recent visit to a Baltimore mosque.

Trump’s comments came as he was listing terrorist attacks carried out by radical Islamists — from 9/11 to the shooting in San Bernardino, California, in December.

“And then President Obama yesterday goes into a mosque and he apologizes. No, he apologizes,” Trump said as his crowd of thousands of supporters erupted in boos. “He apologizes.”

Trump did not specify what he believed Obama was apologizing for.

The remark is the second time Trump has commented on Obama’s visit to a Baltimore mosque on Wednesday, the first of his presidency.

Speaking Thursday on Fox News, Trump appeared to question Obama’s faith, saying “maybe he feels comfortable there.”

Obama visited the mosque to highlight the contributions Muslim-Americans make to the U.S. in an effort to combat Islamophobia, which Trump has been accused of stoking on the campaign trail.

The GOP front-runner also has called for a temporary ban on foreign Muslims entering the United States to prevent terrorism.

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