Barbara Bush isn’t ‘getting in a spitting match’ with Trump

Barbara Bush says there is a boastful candidate in the race whom she’s “not getting in a spitting match with (because) he can spit further than I can.”

But pressed who she was talking about she said, “I can’t remember.”

It’s likely, however, she’s referring to Donald Trump, the No. 2 Iowa finisher who has long mocked her son, Jeb, on the campaign trail.

The former first lady participated in a joint interview with Jeb Bush on CBS This Morning on Friday, days before the New Hampshire primary, which is likely a make-or-break event for his campaign. Going to bat for him, Barbara Bush touted his leadership and joked, “He is so polite. We brought him up that way.”

“He does not brag like some people we know,” she added.

When Norah O’Donnell inquired who, exactly, she was referring to, Bush sarcastically pleaded ignorance and delivered her “spitting match” comment.

The former first lady proceeded to criticized Trump’s relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“Putin endorsed him, for heaven’s sake. Putin, the killer, Putin,” she said. “That is an endorsement you don’t want.”

Later, O’Donnell noted that Barbara had said she was OK with another Bush in the White House, and asked “What about another Clinton?”

She shot back, “I don’t think so because another Bush is going to beat another Clinton.”

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