Ahead of Nevada caucuses, Clinton goes up with first Spanish-language ads

Hillary Clinton’s campaign released its first Spanish-language TV and radio ads on Friday, highlighting the former secretary of state’s position on immigration reform ahead of Nevada’s caucuses later this month.

The ad, titled “Valentía” (which means “courage” or “bravery” in English) is the campaign’s first Spanish-language ad in the Silver State and casts Clinton as a friend of Latinos at a time when Republican candidates are talking about deportation and denying undocumented immigrants a pathway to citizenship.

“There is no other candidate who has fought as hard for our families as Hillary Clinton,” a narrator says in Spanish. “She stands with us to achieve immigration reform and to keep families together.”

The TV ad opens with a shot of Texas Sen. Ted Cruz and Donald Trump, two Republicans who have been outspoken about strict immigration standards, and the narrator says, “It’s when things get tough that you see the friends by your side.”

“There is still much to do, but with a friend like Hillary, we keep moving forward,” the narrator concludes.

Nevada’s caucuses, the first in the West, are on February 23. There has been a dearth of polling in the state, but surveys from late last year had Clinton up by double digits over Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

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