Rubio to air 30-minute TV special in every Iowa media market

Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s campaign announced Saturday that it will air a 30-minute town hall television special in every Iowa media market during the final weekend before the Iowa caucuses.

“The television special will present an opportunity for Iowans to see the genuine passion that Marco has shared at town halls all across Iowa,” the Rubio campaign said in a statement. “For those in the Hawkeye State who have not been able to make it to one of Marco’s events, they will get to experience one of his recent town halls from their own living room.”

The statement said viewers who have questions about the candidate or his positions can tweet or call in to the special.

The special will first air Saturday at 5:30 p.m. CT on KPTH in Sioux City. On Sunday, it will air on the following stations: KWWL in Cedar Rapids at 10:30 a.m.; WOI in Des Moines at 11 a.m.; WQAD in Davenport at 11 a.m.; KGAN in Cedar Rapids at 5 p.m.; and KPTH in Sioux City at 9 p.m.

Rubio has placed third in most recent Iowa surveys. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released Thursday found Rubio at 18%, well behind GOP front-runner Donald Trump and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz.

The two senators have stepped up their attacks against each other in recent days ahead of the critical first-in-the-nation caucus state. Cruz on Friday began airing a TV spot calling Rubio “the Republican Obama” as he’s stepped up his attacks over Rubio’s immigration positions. Rubio, speaking at a campaign event in Sioux City, Iowa, on Saturday charged his Senate colleague with running a “deceitful campaign.”

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