Today’s 5 things: The GOP debate gets Trumped

The GOP debate gets Trumped… North Korea’s H-bomb test gets a second look… And Barbie girls everywhere get a choice of bodies. It’s Friday, and here are the five things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.


The elephant not in the room: It’s Donald Trump’s world and we’re just living in it. How else can you explain the GOP frontrunner ditching the Republican debate and still hogging the headlines? The best moment of the night: Ted Cruz channeling the Donald. Oh, and did you hear, Fox News says Trump was willing to rejoin the debate if they anted up $5 million for his charities? Can’t say the word, but it rhymes with contortion.


And then there were four: About a handful of the armed occupiers are left at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon. It’s pretty straight forward at this point. They say they’re ready to leave peacefully — or prepared to die. We vote for no one else dying. The FBI released the video of the shooting death of LaVoy Finicum. He crashed into a snow drift at a police roadblock. His hands are in the air, but then he appears to reach for his waistband and is shot. Authorities say he was reaching for a gun.


Teacher’s pet: Those three inmates who bolted from a Southern California prison are still on the run. They’re a sneaky sort, you know. Meanwhile, the sheriff’s department seems intent on locking up all of their buddies in the real world. A part-time teacher at the jail’s inmate education program is the latest. She’s accused of providing maps and such to the ringleader of the jailbreak. Aren’t teachers supposed to be the rule-followers?


Pop. Bang. Fizzle: Remember that hydrogen bomb test we got all excited about at the beginning of the month? Maybe not such a big deal after all. A U.S. official says it may have been a partial, failed test of some type. We’re not nuclear physicists, but we play them at work. But, the bottom line is, the numbers just don’t add up. The intelligence indicates it was not likely a fully functioning device. One thing we do know, the North Koreans are a determined lot.


Original, tall, petite and curvy: This isn’t your mom’s Barbie, or even your sister’s for that matter. Girls and women don’t come in one shape and now Barbie won’t either. This is a full-fledged makeover. Barbie will now come in four body types and seven skin tones. And don’t forget the 22 eye colors and 24 hairstyles. It adds up to 33 different dolls. This must officially broaden the definition of beauty, right? Let’s hope it doesn’t lead to a whole nother problem: Barbie body shaming.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Number of the day:

$5 million

The amount of money Fox News says Donald Trump asked the network to donate to his charities for him to appear on last night’s Republican debate.

If there’s a rock ‘n’ roll heaven …

You know they’ve got a hell of a band. First, David Bowie. Then, Glenn Frey. Now Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane/Starship.

He takes cards

Give some credit to Abe Hagenston — credit card that is. This 42-year-old homeless man can swipe if you’re out of cash. He has a website too.

Don’t forget your Depends

China’s building the world’s longest glass-bottom bridge. It’s 1,400 feet long and nearly 1,000 feet above the ground. Which is where we’ll be staying.

Super reunion

Remember “Mean” Joe Greene and the kid from the Super Bowl ad? It’s been 40 years since it came out. They’re back together again.


Here’s what’s happening today.

‘Affluenza’ teen

Ethan Couch is due in court. Mexico deported him yesterday after he and his mom somehow thought it was okay to leave Texas while he was on probation.


This is one crazy cat

A 20-year-old Norwegian woman says she was born into the wrong species. Guess that makes her a trans cat.

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