First on CNN: Barbara Bush hitting trail for Jeb in New Hampshire next week

Former first lady and family matriarch Barbara Bush plans to hit the campaign trail in New Hampshire for her son Jeb, sources close to his presidential campaign told CNN.

The 90-year-old wife of President George H.W. Bush and mother of President George W. Bush and Jeb Bush has agreed to visit the Granite State late next week. The details of her schedule are still being finalized.

The decision to bring Barbara Bush onto the campaign trail shows Jeb Bush — a candidate whose campaign logo features only his first name — is increasingly relying on his family’s popularity and deep political ties.

Throughout his bid, the former Florida governor, who has trailed in most national and early state polls, has repeatedly said he’s campaigning as his own man. The move shows the campaign is pulling out all the stops going into New Hampshire.

Barbara Bush has already backed her son by writing a letter, by appearing at donor retreats and by starring in a campaign ad.

“When push comes to shove, people are going to realize Jeb has real solutions. Rather than talking about how popular they are, how great they are, he’s doing it because he sees a huge need and it’s not being filled by anybody,” she says in the video. “Of all the people running, he seems to be the one who can solve the problems. I think he’ll be a great president.”

She’s reprising a role that she and her husband, former President George H.W. Bush, played for their other son, George W. Bush, during his 2000 primary campaign.

Even though Barbara Bush is beloved by many voters, her appearance is not guaranteed to help. In 2000, George W. Bush lost in New Hampshire to Arizona Sen. John McCain.

A source close to the Bush campaign also confirmed that former President George W. Bush will be campaigning for his brother in South Carolina soon.

Jeb Bush is hoping a strong performance in New Hampshire would allow him to break through and lead a field of establishment candidates that also includes Ohio Gov. John Kasich, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie.

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