The Internet won the Kanye vs. Wiz Khalifa battle

We were so totally here for the Twitter beef between Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa.

Allow us to catch you up on what happened Wednesday in a way that’s as family-friendly as possible, as it got pretty profane.

West took offense to fellow rapper Khalifa discussing the title of West’s forthcoming album, “Waves.” The ever-chill Khalifa said he was off to smoke some “KK,” which West took as a reference to his wife, Kim Kardashian.

West unleashed a series of tweets directed at Khalifa that discussed everything from his “cool pants” to his child with West’s ex, Amber Rose. But in a revelation that might shame any rapper who claims the streets, Khalifa let West know that “KK” is in fact a type of marijuana.


Then Rose stepped in with a tweet and a hashtag that shut the whole thing down. (We leave it to you to look that one up.) West announced that he was deleting his tweets and keeping it moving.

By this point, the Internet was all over it, because it was pretty epic. Think that’s hyperbole? Check out West’s tweets read in a Shakespearean style.

The meme machine was also on overload. Remember that discussion on how a dog should wear pants? Of course that was revised to fit Khalifa.

Even Forbes got in on it, with a story about who earns more (for the record, it’s West).

West claimed that Khalifa lost 2 million followers as a result of their “beef,” but according to Twitter, Wiz actually gained more than 61,000 Twitter followers by Wednesday afternoon.

In the midst of it all, West doesn’t want the world to forget that his new album should be the focus.

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