Sanders reverses course on gun law

Bernie Sanders will support a bill repealing certain legal protections for the firearm industry, a move that is sure to win praise from gun control advocates but marks a major departure from Sanders’ previous position on the issue.

According to a release from the Brady Campaign, Sanders will co-sponsor the repeal of the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, which protects gun manufacturers in lawsuits involving shootings. Sanders had voted in favor of the protections while in the Senate and has up to this point resisted reversing course on the issue.

Tad Devine, Sanders’ top strategist, confirms that Sanders has agreed to be a co-sponsor of the repeal bill.

But the Brady Campaign says that Sanders decided to support the legislation “hours after meeting with Brady activists,” and that his staff also met with victims of gun violence.

Democratic presidential rival Hillary Clinton has used Sanders’ previous position to appeal to Democratic voters, saying she is to the left of him on this issue.

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