Huckabee to attend Trump event

Mike Huckabee will attend Donald Trump’s event to benefit veterans, after he participates in Fox News’ Republican presidential undercard debate on Thursday evening, his campaign tells CNN.

The candidate later tweeted confirmation, saying, “After the #GOPDebate I’ll join @realDonaldTrump in Des Moines to support our vets who’ve been abandoned by @BarackObama. Hope you join us!”

Trump, who is boycotting the prime-time debate over differences of opinion with Fox News, announced earlier this week that he will instead host an event at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa, to benefit wounded veterans.

Rick Santorum, another GOP rival, also said he was open to attending the Trump event after he appears on stage during the undercard debate, according to a release from the Laura Ingraham Show.

The former Pennsylvania senator is looking forward to attending the Fox News debate, his campaign tells CNN, and potentially heading to the Trump event after.

“As of now the senator has not been invited to take part in Mr. Trump’s event” said Matt Benyon, a Santorum spokesman. “It’s certainly something he would consider (attending if invited). The senator respects that this is Mr. Trump’s event and he’s not going to go and crash (it).”

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