Today’s 5 things: Bundy goes down. Trump goes out. Bibi goes ballistic

Bundy goes down. Trump goes out. Bibi goes ballistic. It’s Wednesday, and here are the five things you need to know to Get Up to Speed and Out the Door.


Rebels without a cause: Isn’t the first rule of an unlawful occupation not to leave the building? Ammon Bundy and his crew did, and now they’re occupying a jail cell while another protester is dead. Bundy and some of his supporters — who took over a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon — were pulled over in a highway traffic stop yesterday, which didn’t go well considering shots rang out and their spokesman LaVoy Finicum was killed. So what happens now to the siege? Your guess is as good as ours.


You’re fired!: Who woulda thunk The Donald’s biggest beef would be with — not the “liberal” media — but Fox News. Yesterday, he pouted he won’t come out and play in the channel’s GOP presidential debate since Fox won’t kick out moderator Megyn Kelly. (BTW, here’s a handy primer on how to pout like the big man). Fox was like, Whatevs, you seemed to have no problem during your ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY appearances on our air. So is Trump really going to skip or is this more of his (so far successful) political Jedi mind tricks?


You’re fired, part 2: A dozen Cleveland cops got pink slips, three years after a high-speed car chase ended with the vehicle looking a lot like Swiss cheese and two suspects dead. Officers peppered the car with 137 bullets in just eight seconds. Can you say overkill? Most notable among the canned cops is Officer Michael Brelo. He allegedly fired 49 shots into the car, including 15 while standing on the hood. Brelo was charged with manslaughter and felonious assault, but was acquitted last year. The union promises to get their jobs back.


‘The definition of wonderful’: That’s how students and staff remember an Indiana school principal who died saving kids from a runaway bus. Susan Jordan reportedly pushed students out of the bus’ path yesterday when it jumped a curb and hit her. She died at the scene; two students were injured. The school board for the suburban Indianapolis district called her an “amazing educator” with a “passion for children that is unmatched.” The school district will be closed today in her honor.


We’re on the same team, right?: Israel and the leadership of the United Nations generally see eye-to-eye on most things. Not so much when it comes to the Palestinian issue. Yesterday, U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon criticized Israel for building settlements in the West Bank, actions he said provoked the Palestinians there. Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu wasn’t having it, saying Ban was encouraging terrorism. Whoa! Interesting how folks who are generally allies beat each other up so publicly.


People are talking about these. Read up. Join in.

Quote of the day:

“”What I think we ought to do is bring the guillotine back. We could have public executions and have, you know, we could even have (guessing) which hole it falls in”

Maine Gov. and outrageous quote machine Paul LePage, suggesting some cutting-edge punishment for drug traffickers in his state. Here’s his greatest hits.

Uber for young ‘uns

The hottest ride-sharing startup isn’t Lyft or Uber, its HopSkipDrive, which provides rides for kids ages 7 to 17. And it just picked up a cool $10 million.

Old school learnin’

Cursive’s making a comeback! At least that’s what one lawmaker in Washington state wants.

Who runs the world?

Girls! Specifically, the women of the Senate. They’re the only ones who made it to work after the big blizzard in DC.

Monkeying around

Scientists fight autism by creating monkeys with autism in the hopes of curing autism. Got all that?

Cool pad

After the big snowstorm, a Brooklynite went to his backyard, hollowed out a little room in the snow, put in some lights and a blanket and, voila — instant igloo. Then he tried to rent it out on Airbnb.


Here’s what’s happening today.

Water whoa’s

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder faces the cameras once again later this morning to address the Flint water crisis.

Cutting off a really big spigot

The U.S. side of Niagara Falls may be temporarily shut off so a pedestrian bridge can be fixed. Officials will talk about it at a public meeting this afternoon.


Tail flicks and chill

The first rule of cat club: DO NOT HARSH MY MELLOW!

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